Do You Believe in Intuition? ::
Yes or no?
Some people call it “a gut feeling.” Others the universe. Or even “a knowing.” And that’s fair, because sometimes you just know. For me, I believe it’s all of that + the Holy Spirit, guiding me.
On Feb 23, 2022, I’d gotten on a plane to Florida based on all of that—intuition, a gut feeling, a knowing that even though I was anxious about going, I needed to.
I was uneasy. Not because of my friends, but I had just gotten back from another trip and was tired.
“I’m overwhelmed. I don’t want to go.” I told the Lord. And He instantly replied, “No, you must go.”
In my situation, it was the latter. It was a clear word and it simply was, “Go.”
So I went. A year ago on February 23, 2022. I got on a plane to Florida to see two beloved friends from the Acorn Method. And thought I didn’t fully understand why I had to go, I went based off a deep directive from God.
And my going is just another example of why hindsight is 20/20.
A year ago today, I woke up to a text from my brother that I couldn’t believe. A text that would change my life. My world. My identity and the very foundation under my feet forever.
“Mom has had a stroke,” the text read.
My eyes glossed over after that.
Days later, I’d fly up to Washington D.C. to hold her hand for the last time, to say goodbye to her mortal body forever…
But if I had stayed in Portland, aka NOT LISTENED to my intuition—that gut feeling, that knowing, that Holy Spirit nudge—then I could’ve gotten to the East Coast too late to say goodbye to my most treasured love.
But I’m so glad that I do believe in intuition and that I listened to it. That I trusted my gut, my knowing, and my God. It would’ve been so hard for me to lose the last precious moments with the woman who loved me the most if I didn’t trust that sixth sense if I hadn’t gotten on that plane to Florida.
You can trust your gut, my friend. Even better you can trust God. You never know what He’s leading you to.
xo, Hannah ::